Monday, April 4, 2011

Trygg Signs Up For His G.E.D.

I'm sitting on the sofa reading the newspaper. Trygg hops up on the far end. I can see he has a notebook and two pencils. One is tucked behind his ear. They are both sharp. I assume he is going to do the crossword puzzle. (We still have this thing about whether to do it in pen or pencil.)

I can also see a copy of Cat Fancy magazine tucked into his notebook. I gave him the subscription because I assumed he'd like it. At first there was a problem.

"Why would I want that? I am not a fancy cat."

"It's Cat Fancy not Fancy Cat. It's basically a magazine for..." I pause. Trygg gives me that knowing look. It's a magazine for people who fancy (like) cats.

"Okay, I'll try it. Thanks."

It turns out he likes it. It's also a marketing tool. He circles articles and leaves the magazine around where I can see them.

Today, however, Trygg is neither reading the magazine nor doing the crossword. He is looking furtive, if not guilty.

"Doing anything special?"

"No. No, no. Just flipping through a few things."

I don't say anything. Then he asks,

"What's our zip code?"


"No reason."


"All right. I'm just filling out a form."

"What for?"

Trygg looks away. I realise then that it's not guilt. It's embarrassment. I slide over next to him.

"What is it, Trygg? You know you can tell me anything. And you usually do."

"Well, when I first moved in, there was something I didn't tell you about me."


"I never got my High School Diploma." He looks down. "So, I'm signing up for my G.E.D. I just didn't want you to know, that's all. I figured I'd tell you about it when I got it. If I get it."

"Trygg. That's nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, I'm really quite proud of you. Not only are you going for your G.E.D. but you took the initiative to get the information. I really am proud of you, Trygg."

Trygg looked up at me and smiled.


"Yes, really."

"Will you help me?"


"Yes. You know. You told me you started out in life as an English majored. Then you switched to Finance. I figured maybe you could help me with the English and the Math part."

"All right. But I won't do your work for you. You have to do your own work."

"Okay. And you'll help me with the History part too, right? I mean after all--"

"After all, what?"

"Well, I mean, when you were at school you had current events, didn't you?"


"Then you can help me with the History part too."

"Okay, I'll help with the History part too."

Trygg smiled. We filled out the application, I got an envelope and stamps and we walked to the Post Office together. After, I bought two ice-cream sodas sodas and we sat in one of the back booths for a little bonding time.

I am so proud of Trygg.

Even the cat winks =^.~=



Copyright (c) 2011 Slim Fairview


  1. wow Slim, it's amazing! you are good to catch all the nouances ...
    My cats said me they are proud of you!

  2. Thank you, Paola. Trygg sends his regards, to your feline friends. =^.~=
