Wednesday, April 6, 2011

I Know I've Discussed This With Trygg Before

Trygg decides to invite his friends over for a brunch. An early morning breakfast actually.

"That is not the problem," I said. "I like your friends. I don't mind your inviting them. I just like to be given some advance notice, that's all."

Did you know that 2:30 comes twice a day?

Trygg wakes me up at 2:30. Not for the breakfast, but to go out. He goes out, I go back to bed. Trygg comes back at 4:30. I go back to bed. Trygg wakes me up at 5:00 to watch him eat. So far, so good.

"Oh, by the way, I invited a few friends for breakfast."

There I am, 5:30 in the morning, pouring out the dry food into little buffet trays, sorting through the canned food, preparing an assortment. I put some of the dry food on the front porch because it is raining and I don't want Trygg's friends to get wet. Soon it stops. I set up the buffet on the back porch.

Pood and friend show up. Friend likes canned food. Pood likes dry food. Buddy's two are there. The older one eats friend's food. The younger one sits off to the side. Cali couldn't make it.

The Penguin came but he had to leave early. (It seems to be a cat thing. Normally, getting at it with a friend is not sociable. For Trygg, this seems to be the custom.) Trygg and The Penguin go running off together. (Actually, The Penguin goes running off--Trygg goes running after him.)

All in all, it was pretty nice. I was invited, but I preferred to sit on the sofa and drink coffee. After they leave, I help Trygg clean up. I collect the cans and the trays, Trygg fills the sink, I do the dishes, and Trygg dries.

"You're not planning to use paper napkins," I'd said to Trygg that morning.

"We're cats, Slim. We lick ourselves clean."


Sometimes I think cats do that just to cut down on the laundry. I won't say anything to Trygg, though, because I don't want to hurt his feelings. Also, I don't care much for ironing napkins and Trygg does a good job of it. Also, it lets him feel not only like he's contributing, but also that he truly is a part of the family.

After everything is put away, Trygg goes out, again. I go to make a cream-cheese sandwich on toast and have another cup of coffee. Later, Trygg comes back, hops on the bed and goes to sleep. I leave. Even the cat winks. =^.~=




Copyright (c) 2011 Slim Fairview


  1. Do you have only one cat?

    P.S. I'm Sophia Butterbottom on Facebook.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. One cat living inside--Trygg (He is possessive and insecure. I mentioned the social arrangement somewhere in the blog.)

    Pood and Friend set up housekeeping under a porch. They don't have a kitchen so they come by for breakfast and dinner. We invited them to live with us, but they declined. Politely, but they declined.

    The Penguin and his friend live somewhere on the other side of a fence. I believe they have taken up residence elsewhere.

    Buddy was my first buddy. He went away for a few months. Then he came back. He stops by occasionally, but he never stays. He and Trygg do not get along.

    Then there is Cali. We tried inviting Cali in after Trygg moved in. But Cali was too hostile toward Trygg and too frantic with being inside. Outside, not a problem. Cali is well adjusted. However, in the house, Cali does not do well.

    There are a few others. Trygg invites them to come by now and then, but they have their own lives. You know how it is with cats.

    Right now Trygg is claiming bragging rights. In the sports fixtures, My Wanderers are down toward the bottom of the list. Trygg is an Arsenal supporter. The only time we really have any contention is over Manchester. We still can't agree on which team is better, Man City or United.

    Trygg's love to Sophia.

    My regards,

