Friday, April 15, 2011

Trygg in Love

It was, for the most part, an uneventful morning.

Trygg is out of his sulk. The weather warmed up and Trygg put away is jim-jams for the season.

The coffee was made, Trygg was up early, had breakfast, and put his dishes in the sink. His bed was made, and he didn't leave the paper in a shambles. Why do I then, as I drink my coffee, begin to get that feeling?

Trygg is in his drawer rooting around. I gave him the top drawer in my dresser. At first, I gave him the bottom drawer. I thought it would be easier. It wasn't. Trygg likes the top drawer because he can sit on the dresser and peer down into it, root around, and find what he wants.

I have to admire this: he keeps his drawer very neat. He keeps half of it empty so he can pull the drawer out and sit in it.

"All cats do things like this. I'm a cat. Therefore, I do things like this."

It is very hard to argue with Trygg when he uses logic.

Today, as I'm sipping my coffee, I see Trygg trying to act casual. He has his notebook.


"Going out?"

"For a while?"

"I see you have your notebook."

"To take notes."

"Not your iPad?"

Trygg looks guilty.

"No. Just in case I want to jot down some ideas. Maybe do a sketch."

I get up to open the door. However, instead of crowding the door, Trygg moves away. Then I catch the whiff of a familiar scent.

"Are you wearing my aftershave?"


"My cologne?"

Trygg looks away.

"Why are you wearing my cologne?"

"No reason. I'm a cat. Cats do things for no reason. I do things for no reason, therefore, I'm a cat."

That's it. Now I know he's guilty. He got his argument backwards.

"If you don't want to tell me, fine. Next time, ask before you go through my drawer."


"Okay, what?"

"Okay, I'll tell you."

Trygg goes over to the couch, hops up, and opens his notebook. I sit next to him.

"Promise me you won't laugh."

"I promise."


He shows me an envelope. I open it. I read the note inside.

Red Salmon is red,
Blue-fin Tuna is blue,
I want to be
The only Tom Cat for you.

I see now. Trygg is in love.

"Think she'll like it?"

"She will love it. But what about your crush on Gloria Borger?"

"She's not interested in me. Besides, she's a big shot news person. What could she see in a stray cat like me? I'm better off with Kelly."

"Is that her name? Kelly?"

Trygg nods.

"Well, don't put it like that to your new girlfriend."

"It was her idea. She's the one who told me to give up on Gloria Borger and find someone who really cares about me. Like her."

"I see."

Kelly set her cap for Trygg.

"She's right."



"We talked about pronouns. Specially referring to others as he and she.

"Oh, yeah. Well, she--Kelly really likes me, so...."

"I understand. Well, you have a nice day. I'll see you later."

Trygg smiles.

He puts his note back into the envelope, slips it into his notebook and leaves.

I go to get dressed.

Even the cat winks =^.~=




Copyright(c) Slim Fairview

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