Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Trygg's Buddies and the Adjustment

Trygg seems to be adjusting well to domestic life (feline domesticus adoptus). The problem has been the other cats in the group. (The collective noun for the cats pretty much depends on Trygg's mood:

"When I first starting coming around there was this glaring of cats...."

"All I did was stop by for something to eat and I was confronted by a pounce of cats."

When he's feeling off, it's a dout of cats. (Doubt? A private joke between us.)

I suggested a nuisance of cats. Trygg agreed. Then he sort of gave me this look.....

Trygg and I are comfortable with a clouder of cats....

None-the-less, he's had a sort of mésalliance with Buddy. I always thought it was because Buddy was aggressive with Trygg when Trygg first started coming around. Then I found out it was jealousy. Trygg knew that Buddy was my first...well...buddy. Buddy left, then came back a few months later. That didn't go down well with Trygg.

Then there's Pood and Friend. They share a small studio they set up under a small back porch. There's no kitchen, so they usually come by for breakfast and dinner. This, long before Trygg started coming around. Still, I know that Trygg doesn't like it, but I have pointed out that he has the inside, his own bed, his own Smörgåsbord, use of the remote all afternoon and most nights, he should not be unkind, uncharitable, or ungracious. He was contrite. (I'm still waiting to find a dead mouse on the doorstep, but I'm not going to say anything. If it doesn't come from the heart then I don't want it.)

For a while it was rough on us both. He was very insecure. I believe Trygg was what we never refer to as "a throw-away". Perhaps the person he used to live with died. Still, he was in sad shape when he first came around. Physically and emotionally. He would go by the door to go out, then come back, hop on the table on the front porch to be let in, check his food, sit on the back of the couch, then get up to go out again. Some times he'd be gone for hours. Christmas he was out all night and did not come back until the following afternoon. The only thing I could do was to show him I still loved him and was happy to have him back.

Now, Trygg is getting better. He sleeps most of the day and almost all night. I am happy to see him adjust. (Happy not to have to wait up until midnight or 1 am for him to return.)

I think the blog helps too. Trygg didn't say anything about it when I first started writing it, but then, one day, he said to me, "I think writing this blog is really helping you. It seems to be a good thing for you to put your feelings down."

Even the cat winks =^.~=



Copyright (c) 2011 Slim Fairview

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